everyday activity can disclose the world and discover things in it without containing any explicit or implicit experience of the separation of the mental from the world of bodies and things. Hubert L. Dreyfus, 1991 ("Being in the World", MIT Press, p. 58-59)
Artificial Consciousness
Elen's Postdoctoral Project (November 2019, first revision November 2020, second revision September 2021)
Can we simulate consciousness on an artificial brain without the body's sensitiviness? Studies of artificial intelligence ( AI ) are challenging brain studies to answer complex questions about the mind's functioning.
The discussion revives arguments raised in the nineteenth century about whether it is possible to understand consciousness through scientific parameters or if it really belongs to an unreachable realm of subjectivity and unconsciousness related to a metaphysical world.
I propose investigating the theme through specific attributes as empathy, which can be correlated to mirror neurons - a quite recent finding in neuroscience that, I argue, can be compared to the learning process mentioned by Aristotle in the Poetics when people watch drama performance.
While I developed myself strongly through a theoretical background in Social Science, Design, and Philosophy (Bioethics), all those fields also produce strong bases of empirical research. Besides, the art field where I also have experience appreciate the empirical as a phenomenological and ontological way to provide experience, ultimately a type of social education that flows within the culture.
Therefore, I am designing several activities and investigations to present to the public as artwork, which at the same time is qualitative research to amplify the ground of clarifying how the mind works through social interactions.