Elen Nas
Artist & Researcher
My Story

I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Sao Paulo, the School of Arts and Communication, at the Advanced Studies Institute on the Catedra Oscar Sala Project.
My childhood and growth were under the indigenous influence—an experience of freedom and self-governance. But I realized only recently that my indigenous ancestors are all part of my multiethnic inheritance besides blacks and whites from different nations. In Brazil, we have a big smoke curtain on this ethnic identity.
I found ways to escape the untold and invisible stories by being creative in different Arts and academic research fields.
Starting with the concerns about social justice that led me to the Social Sciences, I won a Political Science Grant as a 'junior researcher' in the 90s.
To make things more complex and difficult to decide, I also was studying music and was awarded in Festival with a voice performance. But after dedicating many years to the Music and Arts field, I went back to University and completed a Master's in Design, which resulted in a published book about electronic art in Portuguese. The Ph.D. in Bioethics became a continuity of the investigation of the bio/ethical concerns involving Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. The final work is a collection of papers, chapters, and books published in different mediums.
In 2019 I was a 'Research Visitor' of the School of Philosophical, Historical, and International Studies/ Philosophy Department at Monash University in Australia, and in 2020 I was a 'Research Visitor' at Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences/ Informatics Department at University of California, Irvine. In 2001 I joined the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communications of the University of Texas, Dallas as a Postdoctoral Researcher collaborating with ArtSciLab. At the same time, I also collaborated with three research networks in Brazil: Catedra Oscar Sala from Universidade de São Paulo, Neuro-I-Self (a Research Group focused on Neuroethics), and BraiNNIAC (a multidisciplinary group interested in AI, Nanotechnology, and Robotics) from Universidade Federal de Viçosa. You will find out more about my research interests by navigating this site, and the other links indicated. You may also download my CV, and feel free to reach out for further questions
P.h.D. Bioethics
Master Design
Bachelor in
Social Science
Portuguese (Expert)
English (Fluent)
Spanish (Fluent)
French (Intermediate)
Publications & Conference Presentations
NAS, E. Ethics of Emerging Technologies: An Interview with Geoffrey C. Bowker". Engaging Science, Technology and Society. (Approved. Publication in Progress).
NAS, Elen. How can we Co-Create the Metaworld? Mozilla Festival, at Decolonized AI Futures. March 2022.
NAS, Elen. How Arts can Help the Resistance Through Thought. Conference Shifting the Geography of Reason XIX, organized by the Caribbean Philosophical Association, June 18-19, 2021. Theme: Black Lives Matter, Black American Resistance Through Thought. Online.
MALINA, R., NAS, E. Interlocuções. In: Panoramas V. II. Org. Rodrigues, O., Malheiro, A., Rocha, C., Flexor, C. Portugal. Universidade do Porto (FLUP). pp. 62-72. 2022.
NASCIMENTO, E.C.C. SILVA, E. SIQUEIRA-BATISTA, R. In love with machines: the bioethical debate about sexual automation. RBD: Revista Bioetica y Derecho, 181-202, 2021.
ANDREON, F. M., NAS, E., Antônio ,V. E. , et. All. Andróides sonham com ovelhas elétricas? Leituras neuro (bio) éticas de Westworld / Do Androids dream with electric sheeps? Westworld neuro(bio) ethical readings. (Article accepted: Revista Neurociências, ISSN 0104-3579 e ISSNe 1984-4905)
NAS, E., SIQUEIRA-BATISTA, R. Construção do saber médico: crítica ético-política. / Construction of medical knowledge: ethical-political criticism. Revista Bioetica, 29, pp. 251-256. 2021.
NAS, E. Bioethics of Nonpresence: body, philosophy, and machines. Amazon Books. 2021. ISBN: 9798712501151. Available at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08X4D3N4F
NAS, E. Inteligencia Artificial: uma discussao bioetica dos sistemas de informacao / Artificial Intelligence: a bioethical discussion of information systems. In: Caminhos da Bioetica V. 3. (ed. CASTRO, J.C. & NIEMAYER-GUIMARAES, M., BATISTA, R. S. ). p. 52-74. Editora Unifeso, 2021.
NAS, E., Batista, R.S., Silva, E., Gomes, A. P., Brandao, A. S., Costa, A. S., Schramm, F., Guimaraes, R., Rego, S., Marinho, S. O uso de robos e a pandemia de COVID-19: Questoes Bioeticas./ The use of robots and the COVID-19 pandemics: bioethics questions. Essay. COVID-19 Observatory. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). 2020. Available at: https://portal.fiocruz.br/documento/ensaio-o-uso-de-robos-e-pandemia-de-covid-19-questoes-bioeticas
NAS, E., COSSA, J. Cosmo-uBuntu and Bioethics: the social responsibility of Artificial Intelligence. Conference Presentation. Session: Ubuntu and Social Justice Education. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES).April, 2021.
NAS, Elen. Electronic Art: the missing link. Rio de Janeiro: Independente, 2020
Motta; Machado; Gomes; NAS, Elen; Silva; Goldschmidt; Siqueira-Batista. COVID-19 Pandemic: How Artificial Intelligence can help us. Brazilian Applied Science Review. , v.4, p.2904 - 2915, 2020.
NASCIMENTO, E. C. C. Bioethical Reflections in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. In: Caminhos da Bioetica. (ed. Castro, J.C. & Niemayer-Guimaraes, M. Editora Unifeso, 2019.
NASCIMENTO, E. C. C.; Siqueira-Batista, R. The brain and the robot: bioethical implications in transhumanism. CIÊNCIAS & COGNIÇÃO (UFRJ). , v.23, p.237 - 242, 2018.
NASCIMENTO, E. C. C.; Silva, E.; Siqueira-Batista, R. The 'use' of sex robots: a bioethical issue. Asian Bioethics Review. , v.10, p.231 - 240, 2018.
NASCIMENTO, E.C.C.; Lopes, J. Interface Design For Ludic Experiences With NewTechnologies: The Case Of Open-Source Software Reactivision In Sound Interactions. 12º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design. Belo Horizonte: Blucher Design Proceedings. 2016.
NAS, E.; Mauro Pinheiro; Denise Filippo; Fernando Reiszel
2019. Design Experience and proactive stimulus in the IHC through Music, Powers of Sound, I International Conference of Sonorities Research, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) 2019
NASCIMENTO, E. C. C.; Teffe, C. S. Big Data e FakeNews, 2018. Jornada de Biotica PPGBIOS. UERJ. 2018
NAS, E. Donna Haraway e o Pos Humanismo. Palestra. Nucleo de Inclusao Social; Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Sociais (IFCS/ UFRJ).
NASCIMENTO, E. C. C. Lopes, J. The Artist as a Scientist: Sound Performance, Aesthetics, Hybrids and Cyborgs, Conference Arts and Society, UCLA, 2016.
NAS, E. The Experimental Culture of Interface and Design. Conference Design Principles and Practices, Puc-Rio 2015.
Andreon, F.M., NASCIMENTO, E. C. C., Batista, R.S. Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Consciousness: Preliminary Notes. IV SEMAT. UFV. 2018